Your participation in The National Players' Boycott Of California Thoroughbred Racing effort will help shine a very public spotlight on the actions of the CHRB and TOC and bring about much needed change. We fully intend to send Track Management, the CHRB, and the TOC a very clear message: The customer does in fact matter.

When the time comes to sit down and negotiate with racing's decision makers, having real names puts us in a much better bargaining position than if we had a list composed of people's internet handles only. If you are a known personality on an internet message board you should know that submitting your real name and address will help us far more than submitting a handle such as PaceMaster7f ever will. Please: we are asking for real names only.

Attention Firefox Users:   You must enable Javascript in order to submit your info. Click TOOLS, then click OPTIONS. On the CONTENT Tab, click the Enable Javascript box. Finally, click OK to save your options and close the OPTIONS dialog box. If you are unable to do that you can always sign up by emailing us at:
playersboycott @ gmail . com
(remove the blank spaces first)
Fill Out Your Info and Click NEXT    
First Name:
Middle Name/Initial:
Last Name:
Street Address:
Address - addl space:
Zip Code:
EMail - Primary:
EMail - secondary:
Phone - primary:
Phone - work/secondary:
Est yearly handle:
Are you willing to help by becoming actively involved? Do you have a skillset or contacts you think would be useful to us? If so, tell us so that we can contact you.
Attention Firefox Users:   You must enable Javascript in order to submit your info. Click TOOLS, then click OPTIONS. On the CONTENT Tab, click the Enable Javascript box. Finally, click OK to save your options and close the OPTIONS dialog box. If you are unable to do that you can always sign up by emailing us at:
playersboycott @ gmail . com
(remove the blank spaces first)
Privacy Policy
You should know that we value and respect the privacy of our members. You should further know that we hate spam and junk mail every bit as much as you do. We therefore promise not to sell, rent, or otherwise share member names with third parties or advertising firms. We collect member names and addresses for one reason only: There is strength in numbers. When we sit down with track management and horsemen's groups to negotiate on your behalf we want them to take us seriously. They will only do that if they know that we are on the level - that we do in fact represent bettors in numbers who are less than thrilled with what track management and horsemen's groups are doing to the game that we love.

Copyright © 2010